> Person > Honors


1988 - Arno Schmidt Prize

For his engagement in combating ignorance Karlheinz Deschner was awarded the Arno Schmidt Prize. Earlier winners were Wolfgang Koeppen, Hans Wollschläger and Peter Rühmkorf.

1993 - Alternative Büchner Prize

Karlheinz Deschner was "recognized for his extensive literary production that has shown him to be a resolute opponent of every kind of abuse of power. In forceful language he has exposed the unholy alliance of the powerful in both state and Church. His passionate support for those whose only consolation in life was Paradise makes him an advocate for the oppressed and deceived in the spirit of Georg Büchner.

1993 - International Humanist Award

Following Andrei Sacharow and Alexander Dubcek, Karlheinz Deschner was the first German to be granted the International Humanist Award.

The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) offers leading intellectuals and social activists the opportunity to address current issues from a humanistic position. Outstanding contributions toward the evolution and defense of Humanism is recognized at IHEU Congresses by the granting of the International Humanist Award.

2001 - Erwin Fischer Prize

The Erwin Fischer Prize has been established by the Internationaler Bund der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten (IBKA), -- International League of Non-Religious and Atheists -- in memory of Erwin Fischer, a lawyer who resolutely defended human rights and the separation of church and state. With this award the IBKA recognizes individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to freedom of thought, separation of church and state, and the promotion of reason and enlightenment concerning the nature, function, structures and claims of religion.

2001 - Ludwig Feuerbach Prize

Established in 2001 by the 90-year old Augsburg League for Intellectual Freedom and accompanied by 10,000 Deutschmark in prize money, this award was first granted to Karlheinz Deschner.


Karlheinz Deschner


Copyright by Paul Swiridoff, Schwäbisch Hall

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